DNA Report + Consultation

Personalize your Health. Are you curious to know how your genes affect your health and performance?  Do you want to know how your environment, lifestyle, foods, supplements, and habits can affect your metabolism, weight, exercise, recovery, mental function and mood, bone and joint health, aging, and overall wellbeing?

Learn actionable strategies that are unique to your genetic blueprint and take the guesswork out of the diet, exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits that are best for you.


We will discuss how you can optimize your unique DNA (digestion, methylation, hormones, brain health and mood, detoxification, bone and collagen, histamine, diabetes and insulin, cardiovascular health, nutrient needs, weight, physical activity, fitness and more…) with specific recommendations for food, nutrients, and lifestyle strategies. 

This package can identify the nutrients your body needs and influence the foods you choose, the way you exercise, and the way you live, insights just for you in order to feel your best for a lifetime.

After purchasing your package, you will receive a note with instructions to email your name, address, birthdate, and phone number to gay@netnutritionist.net. We will schedule your appointment, and you will receive your kit in 3-5 days with instructions. Test results arrive within 3-4 weeks.

View sample DNA test report

Note:  At the end of your package, you will have the option to continue our work together at a reduced package rate or by the session. If testing is not purchased from Netnutritionist, the consultation is $475.

Have Questions About Which Option Is Right For You?

Contact us for a free call to discuss your concerns and find the best package for you and your future health.

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